Monday, February 21, 2011

Late Start Today

I had a doctor's appointment, routine blood glucose, A1C, foot exam, general stuff, this morning.
I was supposed to fast so I skipped my morning 1/2 Spam sandwich and associated insulin bolus, parked at the normal spot 7 miles from work, and rode to the intersection of Singer and Chappel and turned east on Singer.  From there it's only about 4 blocks to the intersection of Singer and Jefferson, where the doc's office resides.  Now, Singer gets kinda BUSY during working hours, especially close to the Jefferson intersection.  So I rarely ride the street up there.... I stay on the street from Chappel up to Office St., then turn in to the office parking lots lining the south side of the street all the way to Jefferson.  I rarely have to interact with anything other than PARKED cars through here:  Just have to watch for the death dealing speed bumps and ride in the drainage groove in the middle where there's no BUMP.  I was shocked this morning to see the entire first parking lot in there EMPTY and deserted.   I was just going to lament about another business going belly up, but it occurs to me they might be one of the few businesses observing President's Day today?
Riding the bike, People always look at me like I'm nuts, seemingly never more so than when arriving at the endocrinologist where most visitors are hobbling along, sometimes with help from their grandkids, sometimes with canes and walkers as they alight from their shiny automobiles.  This morning as I was unbuckling my steal-able stuff (backpack on the front luggage rack, pannier on the back of the seat rack, all full of electronics and STUFF I love to carry around slowing me down) I heard a cheery voice "Boy!  I really like your bike!!!"  I turned around and it was Karla Giese, my nurse practioner who does my exams and prescriptions and such.  She still grumped me out about my A1C levels this time:  7.4, same as 3 months ago, and a bit higher than the recommended upper limit of 7.  She didn't seem to think my "fasting" blood glucose level of 209 was anything to worry about, but it aggravated ME.  Nothing to eat since last night, ride my bike 4 miles, and instead of being low, it's HIGH.  I try to keep mine as close to 100 as possible, but this is a common experience for me:  Skip a meal, exercise, and the BG (Blood Glucose) goes way up.  Bah.  Humbug.
My blood glucose reading history chart was a mess, too, with lots of evening highs above 200... gotta cut back on those portions at night of the wife's too-good cooking.
Morning Stats from the GPS:                       Total Miles:  8.4
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
  08.1  Mph                          10.6 mph            20.2 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
2 hrs, 2 mins                          47:27 mins         1 hrs, 14 mins

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